Since I have exams coming up I thought I would write up my Top 8 Studying Tips.I know that not everyone might not be doing exams at the minute but they might help in the future! I know studying is boring and repetitive but I hope some of these tips help you!
1. Write it out!
This is my main way of studying! I write is out again and again and then after a few times it goes in and I know it off by heart.
2. Use colours!
Using colours will help see important things or titles quicker. For me it makes it a bit easier to read because everything doesn't look the same.
3. Quiz yourself!
After you think you know it and have read your notes a few times quiz yourself! It's like in an exam and it's good to see if you will still remember all the information!
4. Switch it up!
Don't stay on the same subject for a long long time. Leave that subject for a while and come back to it later.
5. Say it out!
If you read out loud it can go into your head easier. Like writing, if you say it again and again you won't forget it!
6. Reward yo'self!
Whether it's something sweet, having a shower or going for a walk, reward yourself after a long day of studying!
7. Get some air!
After a long time of studying it's good to clear your head and get some fresh air. You could go for a nice walk, stand out in the garden or even just open a window!
8. Just breath!
Just sit back and breath! Take a deep breaths in and out! After all of your studying just relax for a bit!
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